A comparative study of Smart city and Global city: Concepts and Approaches

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Geography, Farhangian University

2 Graduated from Tabriz University


Globalization, through the dramatic changes in various areas of economic, technological and social causes the emergence of new models of cities. So that the Smart City concept as a strategy to solve the problems of urban population growth and increasing urbanization In comparison with other urban models like the global city has to attract global attention by the researchers. The concept of intelligent citizens of various factors such as the desire to lifelong learning, social pluralism, flexibility, creativity and participation in public life entails. Congestion issues through tools such as creativity, human capital, cooperation between relevant stakeholders, and scientific ideas and clear and intelligent solutions can be solved. Smart City, emphasis on virtual reality is preferred over pure reality and with it to the consistency of the projects has helped postmodern capitalism. Accordingly, the aim of this research is a comparative study of smart city and world city. in this regard, this descriptive study first smart city concept, conceptual practices, indicators, as well as to introduce smart sustainable city and then explain the concept of global city with an emphasis on the views of thinkers like Friedman, Sassen .therefor this study seeks to answer these questions what are the differences and similarities between smart city and global city? the result indicate that the smart city is a city with an emphasis on endogenous development model for democratization service agencies, and strives to provide accessibility to these services for all.


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