Azadi Stadium, Accounting, Passive defense, Landscaping, Multi-Purpose

Document Type : Original Article


Imam Hossein University


Green spaces, stadiums, which are part of the area with natural vegetation or paved areas or buildings protected against their will. This space as an integral part of considerable importance in enhancing athletic stadium and gymnasium are environmental sustainability .Access to items such as camouflage, concealment and deception, reduces the intensity of the blast wave, energy storage, Frmdhy and deformation, Control of natural consequences, preventing runoff Various, raising per capita green space, and so on, such that the resulting performance gains will be green spaces. In this study, green space and its role in the defense of liberty stadium has been a non- factor. Methods In this study library field and the use of questionnaires and chi square test was used Research findings show that all questions related to the parameters of green space, at a significance level of 0.05 percent certified, meaning that all of the   questions, the probability is close to one hundred percent approved. The study showed that green space Azadi Stadium plays a key role in passive defense.